Monday, August 27, 2012

Cemeteries in Clark and Scott Townships

Cemeteries in Clark and Scott Townships

            Jane Walterhouse Hawley has done a thorough job researching the cemeteries in Clark and Scott Townships.  The following is the record of her efforts as recorded in the Ladoga Sesquicentennial Book.  Armstrong, Old Pottenger and Redenbaugh are added from records of the Crawfordsville District Public Library.  There are two cemeteries that I have heard of that I have not been able to find: they are the Yelton Cemetery and the Brookshire Cemetery.  A note on the genealogy of the Yelton family in Montgomery County, says, "Perry Yelton, b. 1813, was a grocer and postmaster at Mt. Pleasant. (SR 234 between Ladoga and Jamestown) across the road from the Yelton Cemetery.

Clark Township

Bly Cemetery—Clark Township, on the Carl Hill Farm Rd. 1000S and 725E.
Clark Cemetery—Clark Township, on Joe Warters farm, Rd 1100S and 815E.
Davis Cemetery—Clark Township, on Clair Brown farm, 650S and 1050E.
Ford Cemetery—Clark Township, back of Jaye Jeffries property, 1100S and 625E.
Harrison Cemetery—Clark Township, on Paul and Robert Radford farm, 1100S and 925E.
Harshbarger Cemetery—Clark Township, on Ladoga-Crawfordsville Rd. 675S and 475E.
Inlow Cemetery—Clark Township, Rd. 750S and 700E.
Ladoga Cemetery—Clark Township, on Ladoga-Roachdale Rd. 900S.
Mt. Pleasant Cemetery—Clark Township, Road 1025S and SR 234.
Owen-Hicks Cemetery—Clark Township, on Franklin Miller farm, Rd 1025S and 1025E.
Peffley Cemetery—Clark Township, on Donald Rhoads farm. Rd 700S and 900E.
Stoner Cemetery—Clark Township, on Paul Stoner farm Rd. 900S and 690E.
Wesley Chapel Cemetery—Clark Township, on Robert Dean farm Rd. 1100S and 875E.
Yelton Cemetery--Clark Twonship on CR 1025 S on the west side of the road and north side of Little Raccoon Creek

Scott Township
Brethern Cemetery—Scott Township on Clyde Himes farm, Rd. 750S and 450E.
Cornstalk Cemetery—Scott Township, between Donald Brown and James R. Young farm, Rd. 1100S and 250E.
Frantz Cemetery—Scott Township on Paul McClure farm Rd. 325E and 800S.
Graybill Cemetery—Scott Township, on Cline Graybill farm, Rd. 350E and 800S.
Hershberger-Harshbarger Cemetery—Scott Township, on James R. Young farm, Rd. 1075S and 275E.
Parkersburg, Bridges and Welch Cemetery—Scott Township on Charles Hutchison farm 1150S and 40E.
Wasson Cemetery—Scott Township, one mile north of Parkersburg on SR 231.
James Cemetery—Scott Township,Rd. 1150S and 50W.
McMurry (McMurray) Cemetery—Scott Township, Rd. 1150S and 375E.  Between 1150S and Byrd Cemetery.
Byrd Cemetery—Scott Township, on Alton Byrd farm, Rd. 1100S.
Armstrong Cemetery—Scott Township, 231 South between 234 and 700 South.  Could be on either side of 231.
Old Potttenger Cemetery—Scott Township, South of 234 on CR 125W.
Redenbaugh Cemetery—Scott Township, 600 South just west of 231and south of E 600 S, turn left onto Southmont Street.  Cemetery is about 50 feet off the road, just north of Southmont tennis courts.

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